Job Duties Custom List 11-9199.02 — Compliance Managers

  • Provide assistance to internal or external auditors in compliance reviews.
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Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV

11 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
11519-2012.00Physicists Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
11419-2031.00Chemists Bright Outlook
11515-1221.00Computer and Information Research Scientists Bright Outlook
11519-3022.00Survey Researchers
11519-2011.00Astronomers Bright Outlook
11429-2036.00Medical Dosimetrists
11319-4092.00Forensic Science Technicians Bright Outlook
11419-2021.00Atmospheric and Space Scientists
11411-9199.02Compliance Managers
11419-4043.00Geological Technicians, Except Hydrologic Technicians